
How is this a draw?

how is this a timeout draw when white only has a bishop?
probably because black could checkmate white in a few moves but black ran out of time
this happened to me too...

edit: white is victorious after all
It's not time, White could still "theoretically" checkmate using blacks own pawns to trap their king.. They added this a few years back and every so often this gets asked.

Though upon further inspection this is not a draw. Black time out - White is victorious

( could be mistaken I am drunk ) and not very good at chess either! haa!

( by either I am comparing myself to myself, not to anyone else) for the record didn't want anyone to think either meant I was including some other player, I mean I am also not very good at chess I should just edit that, but drunk yes.
This position is a draw, black will never promote any of the pawns with proper play from white's side. Also there can be positions where black blunders and white can checkmate black.
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Black wins, because he has two pawns.
But if you ask, 'Why Isn't This A Draw?', the answer would be, White too has winning chances, if Black traps his king with his own pawn and bishop.
@AnonMS said in #1:
> how is this a timeout draw when white only has a bishop?
- Golden Rule -
As long as there is a possible scenario for your opponent (no matter how improbable) to deliver checkmate with the remaining pieces on the board, you will lose upon timing out -- this includes forcefully promoting a pawn of yours to a convenient piece that'd allow your opponent to checkmate you

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