
Voice detector blindfold mode

Whereas I don't consider the blindfold mode to be really blindfold (since I can still see the board), I find the feature of making moves by texting them really great in order to train my blindfold skills (as long as I minimize the window so that I only see the move-text box).
That been said, I suggest to lichess incorporating a new feature that permits the users to dictate the moves instead of writting them down; and, in addition to that, a speaker function that would voice the responded moves of the opponent as well.
My dream scenario would be to drink a cup of wine, in a semi dark room, looking nowhere through the window, with some classical music in the background while speaking and hearing back the moves of a great chess game.
Thank you.
Yeah, no. Such a project would be incredibly ambitious. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, but coding a program that recognizes 64 squares via voice recognition ain't gonna happen soon. Sorry to break it to ya brutha.
For what it's worth, I spent a day on this and got absolutely nowhere.
Would it be possible to use Window's speech to text and use "Make moves by typing" feature simultaneously? The only problem with this is that the board is still visable. Could Lichess have a way to show just the notation box and an input box?
Having the proposed as a feature would be awesome for many reasons (comfort, accessibility, playing blindfold, learning coordinates…)
However, I presume this particular feature ranks quite low on the list of potential features. This answer from thibault's AMA sums it up well:

So as things stand, all of us in favor of this TTS+STT/ASR feature can do is be grateful to Toadofsky and others who've put time and effort toward the cause (unless you can code).

By the way, our @EikaMikiku made a lovely TTS Chrome extension for Lichess, that you should definitely check out:
Now all you need is some kind of a STT software to use with the keyboard move input feature you've mentioned, and you can (potentially) hack together something close to what you're looking for.

#4 Check out this user style written by our @bakkouz:
Though I would suggest using Stylus, the open-source fork of the original Stylish, rather than Stylish, the spyware. You can get Stylus on several browsers, here's its Chrome extension page:
Alternatively, for a low-tech solution, you can tape a piece of opaque material large enough to cover the board over the screen when you play. 😛
@DoTheMath Don't get me wrong I am extremely grateful for the efforts of all of Lichess's Devs. I'm just asking if it's even a possible method, not trying to push for it to be a feature right away. Especially because my proposed method is mostly client based and not on Lichess's side.

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