
Suggestion: more 960 tournaments.

As more people here play 960 than Crazyhouse (at least it seems this way from the lobby game seeks), and as Crazyhouse has official tournaments every hour vs. about 1/day for 960, I suggest that more 960 tournaments get added to the official tournament listings.
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Please, develop a 960 chess tournament with 4+2 or 6+2 time. There are many 960 chess players in Lichess.
Toadofsky: thanks for the stats, couldn't find them myself before posting.

Should I assume that these numbers include the games in the tournaments, and would be inflated by including many crazyhouse tournaments but very few 960 ones?

Also, if possible I would like to see some ratings-limited 960 tournaments in the mix as well, would be a kinder intro to the game for lower rated players.

100,583 Chess960 games last month (a 40000-game spike from July, was there a special event?)
160,010 Crazyhouse games last month

Interestingly, antichess gets nearly as many games per month as crazyhouse despite having only 60% the players (as of this week). Are antichess players more active than crazyhouse players (who themselves are more active than Chess960 players?), or do they just play quicker games?
Let's play (almost) all variants in 960 :)
960 is the future of chess.
Get out, eternal standard position for all games !
I agree, more 960 tournaments are welcome. has three 960 tournaments every four hours (3/0 Arena, 3/0 Swiss and 10/0 Swiss), that is 18 tournaments a day. Lichess has just one, which is inconvenient for me (6:00am Tokyo time).
I agree with Frankie-Goes. Fischerandom is the future of chess.

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