
Atomic Chess Suggestion

This is a suggestion for Atomic Chess, I really hope you take this seriously because it would fix one of the big problems with Atomic chess.

Atomic chess starts off with white having a big advantage, black can still make it tough for white, but if white knows what theyre doing, they will win every time. So you should make it so that anytime someone plays atomic chess, they are bound to playing 2 games, one as black and one as white. If they leave before playing the second game, then they automatically forfeit.

Because right now, what some players do is they'll play as white and then they refuse to play as black, when it's their turn to play as black they intentionally abort and offer a rematch so that the sides can switch again and they only play games as white.
@zeta-johns the pairing system will force them to play black against someone else, and if they repeatedly abort games they have black in and only play games when they have white, they will get a playban that gets longer for each new offense. Making people play two games would cause many more problems than any problem it would possibly fix. As for the problem with people taking white, aborting as black and offering a rematch to get white again, just decline the rematch.
@ijh, what possible problems would it create? you just said it will create problems and didnt mention a single one. On the contrary, it would fix everything, it would allow both players to have equal odds and let the best atomic player win the match. Or at least let both players win with white if they are of equal strength.
@Carlos-Magnuson How about the major problem that everyone doesn't want to play a match, and they might have to actually go? Forcing a series would inconvenience a large number of users.
@ijh It would just be a rule of the game, if youre going to play atomic chess you have to play 2 games, if you dont have time for 2 games, dont play until you have more time.
@Carlos-Magnuson I think most of us prefer the version of atomic where you only play one game, it takes half the time, and sometimes you are white and sometimes you are black and it evens out in the long run.

Oh and sometimes we decline rematches from abort-abusers but those people don't matter in the grand scheme of things.

(That being said I'm actually neutral wrt the suggestion, except that it would make just the same amount of sense in all the other variants where white has an advantage i.e. close to all.)
@lecw What makes you think thats most peoples opinion? I think most people would appreciate the fact that that they are playing a match with even odds as opposed to having the match either drastically in their favor or in their opponents favor.
@Carlos-Magnuson I've been in the community for a while and have had that discussion about balancing the game several times with a number of people, high and lower-ranked, as well as running a poll or three. I did try changing the rules, but the overall consensus is more like "eh, it's fine".

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