
I accidentally did a Google search of Lich instead of Lichess.

I accidentally truncated the term of my Google search, and it became "lich" instead of "lichess".

Hmmm... is there something lichess isn't telling us?

I always assume the early beginnings of lichess had something to do with the HTML <li> tag.

But something more demonic perhaps?

(Although what could be more demonic than the <li> tag, really, when it comes right down to it? I mean, besides <ul> itself).
A lich as a dead bitch.
Like the witch king of Angmar.
Hope this helps.
@Akaraya said in #2:
> A lich as a dead bitch.
> Like the witch king of Angmar.
> Hope this helps.
Lord of the rings?
Tell me you've never played Dungeons and Dragons without telling me that you've never played Dungeons and Dragons.
lichen is a co-dependant fungus and moss binary organism. They can't do without each other. I still don't see any connection.

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