
what the hell is the problem !!

@BKrivi09 said in #1:
> what if I am in a team?
> what is the BFD about it
> "so Mr hacker"
> people say this
> when I reply just shut up
> reply is some other acct says stop bullying like wtf how did it become bullying when i replied just shutupp to a guy who said "Mr hacker'
> really pls pls leave me alone!
> i really feel lichess is toxic now
> pls do something lichess pls
> what is the BFD !!
> yes I am a hacker so what now
> what will u do if I am a hacker just stop !!
> people don't even feel words are arrows
> i'm already under stress with exams ii don't need to tell my problems WHY DOESN'T THIS TOXIC COMMUNITY UNDERSTAND
> I never in my life knew such a toxic community never!
1. why did u hack a team? most of the people who make teams put their heart and soul into the team it feel very bad when ur login to lichess and u got ur team to see there are 0 members
2 all the best to ur exam and learn grammar
3 learning hack is no problem using it is a problem like me I know how to hack but I don't cus I don't want people sad
If the villain from Cyberchase was Kurt Cobain, I imagine that the first post would appear verbatim as the lyrics in a Nirvana song.

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