
What is more interesting than some of the current forums?

Gerbils sound like wonderful friends to run through tactics with.
tax forms. I've lost patience with reading every word, going with hope for the best strategy.
socks/underwear. come to think of it more sense of accomplishment
Reading the lichess privacy policy, (I think i'm the only one who did that, ever).
I need to read it. Alot of them keep current on that and the TOS. I'm like, oh I'll do that today.
Honestly, its interesting, when you're in a grammar period in class.
My grade 11 English teacher made me cry marking up my thesis with red ink and a stern talk. That experience unlocked a big world to me.
The fact that many people still don’t know the difference between “Forums” and “Threads”.

In all seriousness, I believe that playing slow games of Chess, Draughts/Checkers, and/or Shogi, analysing the games afterwards, and improving as a result is an interesting and proud feeling.
@Shadow1414 In a similar thought, I decided to begin studying games of CM Sargon. I noticed I gravitate to his openings, but my real improvement will lie in studying his middlegame and endgame, thats where my improvement is needed.

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