
Lichess now highlights blunders and mistakes by default (move annotations)

Nice feature. It would be good to have "!" good and "!!" brilliant moves too.
@rampichino That is certainly not true. A bad move is a move that worsens your position, and it is very easy for an engine to recognize them. '!'and '!!' is based on human aesthetics IMO.
@The_Human_Paradox There are some moves in a won position that are marked as "?" or even "??" because are really far from the best move but are winning. You can have a position where you are +14 but you play a move that is +7 because is the simplest route to the victory. Can you consider that move a blunder? I do not think so.
@rampichino I just literally said in #5 that a bad move worsens your position. Going to +7 from +14 certainly worsens your position. Anyway this thread was not about this discussion, it was about how cool it is that lichess got the move highlighting feature.
@The_Human_Paradox I liked this feature too. Nothing to complain about that. I was only wondering if adding the "!" or "!!" evaluation could make sense.
I suggest a new colour scheme as follows:
- ?? blunder - red
- ? error - orange
- ?! dubious - yellow
- !? interesting - blue
- ! good - green
- !! brilliant - dark green
- only move / with the idea - purple
- Development / Initiative / Attack / Counterplay - pink

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