
Phantom move bug

Hi everyone,

I just had a strange glitch during a game.
It was this game:

I play 9. knight a4, 10. knight c3, 11. O-O-O.
So far everything is is good.
But then the move 12. knight a4 gets played automatically.

I did not click anything when this happend. Also not hovering or moving the mouse near this square.

I noticed that lichess often shows "reconnecting" in the top right corner. I often have several seconds of lag. I think its some unstable websocket connection from my network.

So my theory is that somehow my move 9 was replayed due to some network lag.

I had this happen to me once already, but I thought I was maybe my mistake. But this time I am sure I did nothing, when the 12. move was played.

I also inspected the websocket traffic and I saw that when a move is transmitted it also sends the move number with it. I guess the server would check it and not play the move, if it was the wrong number.

So my alternative theory is, that there is some errorhandling when the websocket connection fails. This errorhandling would send the move again, but takes the current move-number from a shared variable.

I hope you can make sense of what I am writing.
Is it a known problem?

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