
How many earth's can fit inside a sun?

@WassimBerbar said in #11:
> In theory: Just divide the volume of the sun by the volume of the Earth and you have your answer.

In theory this is plain wrong, because the sun, as well as the earth, is approximately a sphere and you can't pack spheres infinitely dense.

> In reality: There's only 1 earth, so only 1 earth fits inside our sun.

In reality the earth is too far away from the sun for that and it will remain so for the coming ~5billion years. Then, the sun will become a red giant and will swallow mercury, venus and (barely) earth.

@yahgoled said in #27:
> During a solar eclipse- Yes it is obvious that from the vantage point of Earth that the moon appears to have exactly the same diameter as the sun. Is there a mathematical evolutionary explaination for this phenomenon?

Yes: it is called trigonometric functions.
@boilingFrog said in #33:
Why does he plaster his face on the thumbnail, it's just creepy how he's staring with an open mouth through your soul.
The volume of the Sun is 1.412 x 10 18 km 3 .
And the volume of the Earth is 1.083 x 10 12 km 3 .
So if you divide the volume of the Sun by the volume of the Earth, you get 1,300,000.
@Approximation said in #23:
> Ok, so the sun will transition into a red giant, before collapsing into a white dwarf.
> But, will the entire earth at that point fit inside the red giant, due to our sun's transition into that phase?
> I think so.

Yeah, as Sun is below the Chandrasekhar limit, it will not cause a supernova. It will expand into a Red Giant and then contract to a White Dwarf. But in the Red Giant step, Mercury and Venus and probably Earth will be gobbled.
Very many. Are you believe in life on other planets?
Approx reference one it says:
960,000 Earths
But the Earth’s shape is spherical not a cube, so only about 960,000 Earths would fit inside the volume of the sun. Here’s how it would look like (approximately) if the Earth was a tiny blue marble:

Reference 1:

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