
who's better @DrNykterstein or @alireza2003 in your opinion

Carlsen is the best world has ever seen in all time formats . If you are talking about bullet
Defending is hard as hell in bullet . If Late and Great Tal would still be Here , He for sure will be bullet world Champion
Sacrifice unsound pieces near kingside and your bullet rating will be 100 greater than now .
@Georgii_Surov_Suslik what does fide have to do what i said? Did i say Carlsen has an fide of 2847 and Firouzja 2749? No, i listed their overall points that have against each other in Lichess bullet games
I think we all know that Magnus is better, after all he's the world champion. So let's not ping them for no reason.
I think Magnus is better because he won more games against @alireza2003. He is also the world champion for now.
Magnus is best and i think when he playes on lichess he chills

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