
I don't think chess is for me

I'm now aware that it's not for me I'm comparing too much about others, being extremely critical of my play, treating this too seriously, and caring about digits too much and having negative thoughs about myself. I have no clue why I'm doing this but I'm doing it. For some reason I can't enjoy playing casually
'I have no clue why I'm doing this but I'm doing it.' ~ Humans're naturally attracted to unpleasant things, AFAIK.
You badly need a break for couple of weeks.
After that try playing chess normally (your usual way) and if it interests you then you have made s comeback but if you don't find playing chess good for you then it's not for you. Don't get disappointed as there are several other sports to play.
Did you comparing ratings too much? You can make them dissapear.
Preferences, Display, Zen Mode, Yes.
Show player ratings, No.
Relax for a while, take a break then come back and you'll see if you still like it.
@xDoubledragon hey man , Don't compare yourself to others. You like chess right? If you like the game Just play it because you like it . Its not about winning or losing . Its about enjoying what you do. If you don't like it , move on to something else. Keep enjoying the game and watch many things that improve your game
Happened with me too. I started comparing ratings a lot. Used to play a lot whilst not being good at it, thus not being able to concentrate on other more important things. So I stopped playing it and took a break for 9 months (that's a tad bit long, you can take a break for a few weeks). I came back a few days ago and now I just play casually as a pastime when I am bored.
For you, I'll say take a short break, come back and play naturally. Don't care much about ratings, they'll get better as you practise. Good luck!!
@xDoubledragon said in #1:
> I'm now aware that it's not for me I'm comparing too much about others, being extremely critical of my play, treating this too seriously, and caring about digits too much and having negative thoughs about myself. I have no clue why I'm doing this but I'm doing it. For some reason I can't enjoy playing casually

Your the opposite of me, I don't gain pleasure from rated games actually but prefer casual in order to learn slowly without the anxiety of losing rating, but alot of players would doubtless disagree with me.
Happened to me. I just kept playing more and more and eventually got over it. My online rating still sucks tho

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