
world Fischer Random champion should automatically be part of the candidates?

Do you think world Fischer Random champion should automatically be part of the candidates? (if not already standard WC)
I suppose it would be much better in regular chess to use Chess960 instead of Armageddon.
My opinion is that Chess960 and standard chess should not be confused in this way, but it would be good to have more prestigious Chess960 tournaments. (Alas, there are very few of them.) Over the board, with a slower time control than blitz and with good financial prizes.
The World Championship 2019 saw many elite GMs and other strong players competing and was largely followed, but there has not been any continuation until now. I understand that some two-thirds of the leading players are not very interested in Chess960 and should not be forced to play it, but the remaining one third is interested in it and simply lacks fitting tournaments. There have been quite some tournaments which have shown that when the conditions are similar to other tournaments, many leading players are glad to play Chess960. The former Chess Classic Mainz tournaments, the World Chess960 Championship 2019, as well as the local Chess960 Titled Arenas and other events document that there is no lack of interest in Chess960 among the players.
The biggest problem is that FIDE has deceived Chess960 supporters by promising a big deal in 2018-2019 (ratings first of all) and not lifting a finger in this respect after the half-baked World Championship 2019.
FIDE officials have given us a false sense of hope, and did so by intent I suppose, to nip any potential alternative (Chess960) federation (e.g. Norway-based) in the bud. They have incorporated 960 in the Laws of Chess but then started pretending the game didn't exist. At least they could have organised some online events but see above. FIDE is being run by liars and hypocrites as for decades before, period. Bobby Fischer himself would hardly be surprised with it, though.
Да. Магнус чувствует себя не очень комфортно и опасается игроков ш960, таких как Уэсли Со, как признался на одном из стримов. Но, путанница ни к чему.
I'm just not a supporter of Armageddon, so I would replace it with almost anything, especially Chess960. Because Chess960 is still Chess, and if the opponents could not figure out who is stronger in the classics with preparation, let them figure out who is stronger without preparation and without knowing the starting position. In any case, imho, it looks better than Armageddon (and for chess fans, spectators too).

But so that the Fischer Random Chess World Champion would immediately get into the Candidates Tournament... This is possible, perhaps with the addition of some other conditions, however, anyway, I think it is too early to talk about it. It will be possible to talk about this only when there are a lot of Chess960 tournaments, and the Fischer Random Chess World Championship will be regular, but it seems that this is a long way off. I asked when the next Fischer Random Chess World Championship will be - nobody seems to know?
@FischerRandomChess According to the decisions made by FIDE at the 2020 FIDE Extraordinary General Assembly (late February 2020), World Fischer Random Chess Championship should have been held every second year, i.e. this year and in 2023. The organiser was supposed to be the same Norwegian company Dund AS. For obvious reasons things have been difficult since then, yet one could expect FIDE to at least make a clarifying statement, or preferrably organise several consecutive online chess960 events as an alternative and call it World Online Chess960 Championship or Grand Prix (as they gladly did with Online Olympiads). Instead there's complete silence.
@Former_Player приятно, что кто-то тоже помнит о Манифесте ФИДЕ за 2020 год, посвященный шахматам-960 =) . Шахматным федерациям не доверяю, но даже после запуска собственных шахмат по новым правилам, вынужден признать, что с ними придеться сотрудничать. Шахматы должны развиваться по пути тенниса...
oh wow thank you all for replying. i wasn't notified or anything. idk. kinda new to lichess forums.

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