
The Duck Method

हेलो हाउ अरे ऑल ऑफ़ यू आई हैव रॉयल मेनीऐक कम्स बैक
Is the following a good english translation?

Hello how are all of you I have royal maniac comes back
'Rub-Rubber duck was little good silly method !

I liked it !

And I did not ever heard rubber duck in chess !
I wondered why you referred to a duck as "her". Then I realized Ente is of female gender in German.
The duck method (to tell all the things that you’d normally just skip) is so important that it`s difficult to overestimate its efficiency and deepness. I study thinking models and methods of solving problems and I can say the duck method is one of those which are most difficult to formalize. That also means that when you have applied this method, you never know if you have done it enough. I`ll say, as a true thinking geek, definitely this method needs more research.