
Puzzle B2NWI has two winning solutions

I couldn't figure out why both rooks attacking wouldn't win same way. I decided to play out variations with Stockfish analysis. It appears both rooks win expect R1c2 wins b7 pawn quickly making following position slightly better.

Then I wanted to see why Stockfish initially gives only one winning line. It seems like R7c2 Nd2 Rxd2 gets prunned from the alternative line. Stockfish seem to find the winning line only around depth 25-30 when I run it locally with clean cache.

Puzzle link:
I agree! This one seems cooked. (I guess the term still applies even if it was not a composed study.)
No, the puzzle is correct. If the other rook attacks and the knight blocks, then the rook cant take, because u wil have no mate.
But if it is the correct rook, then the rook can take the knight I it blocks and it is actually mate in 5.
Check with Stock fish for proof.
@PranavBobbySekhar Analyze it further and you will see that the line works just fine (you can still take the knight if you started with the "wrong" rook)
@PranavBobbySekhar The wrong rook has about 5 moves longer mate which is more complicated. In a line you need to fork queen first on the way to mate. On top of winning a pawn the correct rook would be much easier to calculate to the mate.

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