
Making Lichess Bots NOW

So as you guys know, Hyperchess and Easychess is dead. So now how to make Lichess Bots? I know you can make one using Python and GitHub and etc but the problem is my PC is not currently available. So any other way I can make one on my phone. I have GitHub btw.
@ThunderForgeOfficial said in #1:
> So as you guys know, Hyperchess and Easychess is dead. So now how to make Lichess Bots? I know you can make one using Python and GitHub and etc but the problem is my PC is not currently available. So any other way I can make one on my phone. I have GitHub btw.
i think developig a bot on mobile is not easy because mobile does not support all programms
I mean you can probably still use the tough long developer method that you can definitely easily find in the forum archives
EDIT: I was too lazy to read all of #1
@LittleJennyWren said in #4:
> I mean you can probably still use the tough long developer method that you can definitely easily find in the forum archives
> EDIT: I was too lazy to read all of #1

As expected
I heard that Chuck Norris once made a bot with only assembly and a punch card.

BTW, back in the golden days of ICC, folks used their bot accounts, decorated with the C tag of shame, so they could play assisted. Maybe that is the ticket to decrease the proliferation of cheaters, just declare that you are using assistance!!

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