
Lichess servers dying

It happens. were notorious for server downtime when they had big tournaments. Its a big ask! Lichess still offers the best playing experience. Virtually lag free play compared to the others.
Thanks Lovlas ! Sure lichess is gonna get stronger and stand indisputably as the best online chess website. More important it's free !
The admins post info about problems on this site using twitter. I don't understand why they don't post it here. Not everyone on lichess follows lichess on twitter. But everyone who uses lichess uses lichess. I hope this is clear!
Oh my God there are over 70.000 players online, I never saw such a crowd, it's understandable the instability
If I understand correctly, new servers are on the way. The corona crisis is not something you plan for, and OTB clubs are massively registering right now. It will take Lichess some time to adjust, but I am most certain they will.
These tournaments have to be cancelled after the server update.
In tournament , server was't pair people
After all about 30 minutes waiting , i see people lost because didnot move !!!

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