
Book Series And Books

Douglas Adams "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" series.

Heller's "Catch-22" doesn't fit your requirements due to some of the subject matter, but it's excellent satire. I couldn't get into it at all when it was assigned reading in highschool but read it in my early 20's and kicked myself for not appreciating it earlier.

Actually I'm struggling to come up with grade appropriate suggestions. "Fahrenheit 451" by Bradbury I think was middle school required reading I found to be an enjoyable dystopian short-story. Patel & Moore's "A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things" is an insightful read into capitalism but you might not find it that interesting. Can always go to classics like Shelley's "Frankenstein" or Stoker's "Dracula."
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Hunger Games series,
aaaaannnnd Ready Player One?
Are those all books?? I only know a few of them and most of them are some of my favourite movies.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (never really read it but it's a legendarily good book)
Warriors, Seekers, or other Erin Hunter series
Lord of the Wolves (my all-time favorite)
Some of these might be not exactly the range you're looking for but they're good.
The Harry Potter series was my favorite: Edit the Harry Potter series has mild bad words like da*m and words like that
There is also mr lemomcellos Library and it has books in the series

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