

<Comment deleted by user>
I can't sack and plunder a city and every town on the way to said city, ergo no freedom

This is not a facetious statement
Freedom was taken away from you when schools transformed you into a slave who's ready to commit suicide (i.e. go to war) for the government.
<Comment deleted by user>
> "We hold these truths to be self-evident: all humans are born different; however they tend to share several mutable characteristics, two of which are life and the pursuit of pleasure."

~ A book I read a while ago
@chorismate said in #16:
>"We hold these truths to be self-evident: all humans are born different; however they tend to share several mutable characteristics, two of which are life and the pursuit of pleasure."
> ~ A book I read a while ago
Bruh #1 that's from the American Constitution and #2 that's not even anywhere near correct.
@LordSupremeChess said in #17:
> Bruh #1 that's from the American Constitution and #2 that's not even anywhere near correct.

It's a parody of the American Constitution intended to be objective.
Mother Earth has deprived us of some freedom by causing COVID to teach humans a lesson which they aren't learning!

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