
Automatic draw without repetition of any moves


I was playing a game and I was leading the exchange rook for bishop when suddenly my game was drawn. I was not offered a draw and we did not repeat any moves.

Here is the link for the game:

Thank you,
It was a draw by repetition. The position was repeated three times. It is positions and not moves, and it does not need to be consecutive.
It was a little tricky to nail down, but yes, the positions (and conditions) after White's 27th, 29th and final move are identical, so it's a draw.
It never ceases to surprise me when I see 2000+ rated players who aren't aware that it's the repetition of a position, NOT the moves, that determines the draw.
Brat 3 pati ja povtarash pozicijata 1. 27mi poteg 2.29ti poteg 3. 31vi poteg. :)

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