
Puzzles way too easy

I just broke my Racer and Storm records by a big margin because the puzzles were way too easy. Please have a look into this.
This also happened to me, I only got easy back rank problems and got a score of 117
Same here. Difficulty does not increase at all and the puzzles tend to have the same pattern (back rank mate for me). I just joined the >100 club in Puzzle Storm...
Yeah same, I just got 94 in Puzzle Storm. Could have easily gotten over 150+, I had 2:30 minutes remaining but quit since it was no fun.
After the 20th back rank mate I was like HMMM this ain't right chief. XD
@Kazutadashi same! When I was at 30 I'm like nope, not doing this. Can any Lichess mod please delete todays Storm records from the Database?
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Same. Somehow Puzzle Storm got bugged. In my series there were only very easy puzzles, most of them being very easy back-rank checkmates. After breaking 100 (my previous record was around 50) I got bored and lost on purpose. Fix this and remove the new records everyone made, please.

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