
What is the worst thing that ever happened to video games?

For me, I'll name a few:

Character creation
Quick time events
Fast travel
women gamers XD i cant find a fair match anymore online without feeling bad about abusing kids and girls XD also i would say cut scene in excess of 1 minute
@Forgave_Myself said in #1:
> For me, I'll name a few:
> Character creation
What do you mean by that, like what negative effects did it have? Me personally, I like the ability of customizing my character in example: Pokemon
> Microtransactions
> Quick time events
> Fast travel
The rest of these, I agree so much, especially anything causing you to buy anything besides the game itslf.
Totally agree with both previous posters.
Take just one game that I loved - plants vs Zombies. When it first came out it was just on the PC and you paid for it and that was that. Then i waited for YEAR for plants vs Zombies 2 and when it came out it almost killed me - so many microtransactions and it was crazy. In addition, a lot of these phone games have "microtransactions" that can be in the 100s of dollars for things which are usually temporary. I find it utterly crazy.
@DukeGusGold said in #2:
> without feeling bad about abusing kids and girls

I recommend you stop doing that ASAP!
@spectrox75 said in #4:
> Totally agree with both previous posters.
> Take just one game that I loved - plants vs Zombies. When it first came out it was just on the PC and you paid for it and that was that. Then i waited for YEAR for plants vs Zombies 2 and when it came out it almost killed me - so many microtransactions and it was crazy. In addition, a lot of these phone games have "microtransactions" that can be in the 100s of dollars for things which are usually temporary. I find it utterly crazy.

Stick to Valve and Id software games and you are golden :-) There are others, but you know what I am talking about...
While I dont really mind DLC's, it is a disgrace most of them are just a cash grab. I got the Total War Rome II blood and gore dlc.
Like, dude, blood should be part of the game when the game is about bloody battles. And I cant even use it, as it only activates in ultra settings.

Expansions like KSP breaking grounds expansion is fine, it adds a lot of content to the game.

I also hate unfinished games. It is fine if it has a bug or 2, but come on, clearly unfinished games? And then they just abandon it after selling because "it didnt sold too well to justify development"

Fake gameplay trailers.
Internet connection required.
games without campaign.
And though I really dont mind microtransactions, PTW is shameful.
Not available on Steam, or late release on Steam to favor other launchers.
Like, come on, Other launchers already lost the fight to steam like 10 years ago. You are actually getting less sales and money to have it exclusively on other launcher. Borderlands 3 and Gearbox lost my respect. Not getting it ever.
Most indie games.
No user/dedicated servers for games that are actually online. I remember MW2 was a downgrade from COD 4 because 1 of the user was the actual server, most of the times lagged, it had to switch server/players that killed the pace of the game if they left mid game, and it downgraded the amount of simultaneous players from like 96 to like 24. And I think it went as low as 16 or so later. Didnt played any COD after that.
Activision in general.
@DukeGusGold said in #2:
> women gamers XD i cant find a fair match anymore online without feeling bad about abusing kids and girls XD also i would say cut scene in excess of 1 minute
So you don't like playing with women (of which I wish there were more of), you feel you're superior (which clearly you aren't) - and you have the attention span of a pigeon. Glorious.
Game companies that make another game in a series to be a simple cash grab. IE, company makes a really cool game with neat mechanics and good story-telling with amazing campaign. Different company makes a sequel a few years later and ONLY wants money. So they put oodles of microtransactions while making a low-effort game, or a game with a poor story and more multiplayer focused. A shining example of this is 343i Halo. Halo 4 was pretty decent, while Halo 5 had a horrible story but neat multiplayer elements. Halo Infinite had a pretty bad story and mid multiplayer. In the original Halo games with armor customization you would have to grind to get the cooler armors, but in Infinite, the only way to get different armors is to pay money. I stopped playing COD when the new MW2 came out because it was just absurd with the microtransactions.
This is why I stick to the old games of Bethesda, and Valve, and id.

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