
[Feature request] Abort Request button

There are times when both players might agree that aborting a game (after the first move) would be the best option so that no rating adjustment would be made for that game. For instance:

1. One player develops a bad connection during the game and keeps having to reconnect.
2. There are temporary server problems at lichess.
3. One player urgently has to leave the game (for whatever reason).
4. A player requests a takeback, but the opponent neither wants to grant the takeback or continue the game.

In these situation, an 'Abort Request' button would be useful. BOTH PLAYERS must agree to the abort (making it different to the abort on first move button currently implemented).

An Abort Request button would be better for more accurate ratings as it could reduce the number of time-outs, or resignations and draws in won positions.

I don't see how this could be abused beyond a player repeatedly requesting an abort during the game, but they can already do that with the Draw Request button.

Any thoughts?
I'm nobody, but seems to me like a good idea.
Why not offer a DRAW !? Result is virtually the same!
A draw would affect your rating if there was a difference in rating between you and your opponent (in favour of the lower-rated player). It would also show up on your scoresheet against that opponent as a half point, which you might not want to concede.

Abort is cleaner. No rating adjustment, no misleading scoresheet, just wipe the game from the record.

OK. I try other way. because it seems pretty pointless to me. It would be just another feature to trolls to abuse it.
as for the points:

1. Don't play with bad connection. it's your problem. Like when you play OTB with headache on.
2. If there is a server problem, you have no way to connect to your opponent as you connect through the server.
3. If you have to leave urgently it's your bad. If there is a big trouble who cares for a couple of points lost, otherwise who would ever grant on that, I don't really see . But I would see a lot of moaning in forum whenever one was not granted.
4. Take back has no place apart from training games. Slip up is part of the game happens even OTB. Traditionally you do mistakes and you take the consequences.

so I'm sorry, I can't support this idea
To address your points:

1. Connection problems can start at any time. Sometimes they aren't evident until you start playing.

(In one game I had reached an interesting position against an opponent who had a slight advantage, but his connection dropped and he nearly timed out. I added more time to his clock, and he reconnected and we continued the game. It was worth it because it was an interesting position. He apologised for the bad connection but his connection kept dropping and it soon became a distraction. Yes, I could have let it time out, but an abort button would have been useful.)

2. Server problems aren't limited to complete outages (yes, it would be of no use there) but can include server lag or buggy behaviour (I once had a game where my clock ran down during my opponents move!)

3. Yes, it's my bad (or their bad, if they request the abort), and you're free to decline the abort request. But if both players are in agreement, it's a useful option which isn't currently available. As for the trolls, ignore them and move on.

4. Again, you're free to decline the request, either takebacks, draw offers or aborts.

If two players of equal rating want to abort the game they can agree to a draw as others mentioned. If there is a rating difference, why would the lower rated player agree to abort? He stands to win rating points if his opponent has connection issues or has to leave or whatever.

So even if implemented it would be very rarely used, if at all.
I think this was a feature that existed in the past but was removed even before I joined lichess.
It seems to be a great idea, but I think we can make an easier way. As you know, in tournaments we don't get points if we draw the game in the first 10 moves (anyway, the ratings are changing). So, the developers could make a new rule: " In every game the draw in the first 5 moves won't change your rating score. "
soloMidOrWillFeed: "If there is a rating difference, why would the lower rated player agree to abort?"

If there is a rating difference, why would a higher rated player agree to a draw?

Answer to both: Both players want the score/rating to reflect their chess play, not server/connection problems.

Abort provides a clean way out for those that want it. (And all the currently available options will still be there for those that don't.)



I wonder why it was removed. I don't see the downside, only advantages.


FM Ssamatppap:

That would only be of help during the first few moves. And a draw would still affect your scoresheet.

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