
Now that Trump is gone, shamed, posibly indicted in the near future, who defends him?

Most of the sanctions and pressures were imposed on Iran during his time.
Please... We just had 4 Trump free months.
And they were gorgeous.
... After hearing him for speak and preach for years, we are tired, let's keep the peace, and never mention his name again.
Most of Lichess, are not from the USA, and we grew bored of seeing him stealing the news, away from real news stories.
He is a publicity billionaire charlatan. Who only ran for the American presidency, to make the Trump name, a political name for his children to inherit.

Thank you for your corrections, I regret getting this slightly wrong (I should have looked it up)!
I was not aware of the fact that election day is the first Tuesday after Nov 1, as I could have easily found out here:

However this means that it never falls on the weekends, which is worse than I thought. I still respect the tradition, I just think it should be made easier to vote.

I was also unaware that many US states (32 states and DC) allow (unconditional in-person) early voting. I could have found out here:
I'm glad to hear that. I hope I didn't come off as demeaning (that wasn't my intention), I know of the rich democratic tradition of the United States and I admire the US constitution and the bill of rights as some of the most important and modern documents of their time.
Well Biden has a long history of racist comments, far more than Trump, so I'm not sure how he's the man for this time in the US. That's probably why things aren't getting better. Trump wasn't all bad, in fact by some measures he was pretty good. Better than we've had in decades, maybe ever. Fact is he tried hard to govern for the people, but the swamp didn't want to be drained, and it sent its creatures after him. Now we have something I wouldn't have believed was possible... The "left" and "liberals" supporting the neo-lib and neo-con establishment, censorship of free speech, corrupted media who lies and lies and lies then lies more when they get caught, a politicized FBI who spied on the President of the United States, then recently sent a team of 12 goons to kick in a (the incorrect) door of a woman who was simply "in DC on Jan 6" who lives in Alaska based on a single hunch social media post.

But Trump's Operation Warp Speed certainly did get the vaccine out fast - record time - people said it wasn't possible and laughed at him - but he is a great motivator of men and resources, it's just that so many with TDR couldn't process the great things he accomplished, and preferred to lie, and hate just for the sake of hating. I'll probably get banned or something for even saying this but I don't care, it should be said.

- D
what is it about these right wing populist politricksians , that causes them to dis unite the places they so proudly boast patriotism for ?
@Gambitzer -- The narrative style you've used in the above post is known as a "Gish Gallop". Just thought you might want to know. Also, in the spirit of finding points of agreement on which to build, I agree that having Trump's Operation Warp Speed was better than not having it.
Considering the humanitarian disaster at the border, do you agree the wall was better than not having a wall?

Considering the deadly virus from Wuhan, do you agree the travel ban from China was not "racist" ?

I wouldn't want to gish or gallop, so I'll stop but I could continue - I have 99 more.
Choose to sing in the style of any crooner...

Now that Trump has gone
Kelly Anne has fled so far away
This orange bloatball has been zucked like bleach up the cheeks
It is peace after he's been gone for a few weeks.
Even Rudy the Vampire lawyer from Wolfram and Hart
Will save his non existent soul by spilling his guts apart
Rudy no angel will dump on Trump like a Landscaping truck

Now that Trump has gone
Vlad has lost his favorite man
His pet saboteur who had the brains of a lemonade stand
but the Kompramat to take America onto the mat
Vlad has to shrug and say while it lasted it was good
Now to find another useful idiot clown
Hawley could be the next tool to bring America down.
i will miss his wig though , it did do some good things like spare us the full horror poor mrs trump had to face

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