
What do women want?

There's this joke about the man to whome a fairy appears and grants him one wish. He shortly thinks over it and then says to the fairy: "I want a bridge between Europe and North America so I can visit my relatives in New York City by car because I hate flying."

The fairy answers: "Uh, that's really hard. Don't you have another wish which is a bit easier to fulfill?"

The man says: "You know, I always was puzzled about women. I don't know what they think, I don't know what they want and I seem to get it always wrong with them. Please make me understand women!"

The fairy thinks again and then answers: "Errm, do you want the bridge with one or with two lanes?"
@Dukedog (no offence this only joke) women need makeup to live and they need boys to live they need water to live they need foood to live they need air to live tehy need people to live they need their kdi to live
they need grandson to live

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