
Make this the most craziest story chain ever

@HailstormChessPlayer said in #35:

>Cats don't like USA being part of the dirty planet earth, so they scoop United States out of the earth, and place it somewhere between Earth and Mars.

Then they remember, that the most cats in the world live in the USA

So they instead decide to scoop up India cause lots of poop in streets
After Salvador Dali woke up, he draw everything on his painting.
But the dogs are really orbiting Mars. Their food supply is low.
the dogs eat each other till there is only one dog left, that one dog is fat enough that it is larger than mars and replaces the galaxy
Liszt wake up from the dead gets chopins heart and revive him and then compose a 15 year long piano piece.
After composing the 15-year-long piano piece, Liszt and Chopin discover they can travel through time using their music,
and they embark on a journey to prevent the extinction of all pianos in the year 3023.
then aliens come and bring neptune closer to earth and freezes the earth and none cats remained so dogs win the game of life...
But NO; it wasn't a dream but the cats were actually instinct

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