
Puzzle #zv6an has multiple winning lines

In the puzzle:

27.. f4 28. Rae1

You reach:

At low depths (depth <25) Stockfish only sees:
28.. f3+
as the only winning move.

At higher depths (depth 25+) the line:
28.. Qd3 is seen as winning!

I have also confirmed this on my local machine with Stockfish 14 that after:
28.. Qd3

Black is winning -2.36 at Depth 44 with continuation:
29. gxf4 Rb8 30. Qxb8 Rxb8 31. Re3 Qf5 32. fxg5 Rb2...

Given that there are multiple winning options I think either should be accepted as a viable solution.
Stockfish always sees the best winning line as the solution.
So if you played anything else it would be considered as wrong.

Thanks for reporting, puzzle will be removed!

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