
Have been happy in Lockdown

I 've been very happy because I could make somany crafts and play chess
but in other I was sad because I couldn't go to the playground and play
are you happy in lockdown
This is the *WORST* time ever in lockdown. How you feel happy when you're stuck at home at not allowed to go outdoors ?! No one knows how I'm adjusting from 1.5 years, I've not even seen my school from these many days...People are dying here, my friends had covid and how could I be happy ? I get bored everyday...Nothing to do at home. I play chess everyday for about 1-2 hours everyday probably, but I can't do the same thing all time everything has a limit...I wish everything goes back to normal as soon as possible...

P.S. I'm not happy in lockdown.
If my mother allows i would spend one year to go and play down but now ..... I HATE LoCkDoWn

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