
Same puzzle, 2 different ratings

I was playing puzzle GnNyq and got it wrong, and the puzzle rating was revealed as 2398 -puzzle played 1240 times
I right clicked the puzzle and opened up a new page- played the puzzle, got it right and see this time the puzzle is rated at 2413
-puzzle played 1240 times.

Why the discrepancy in puzzle rating?
I would guess that the first rating is before you played the puzzle (2398) (showing what the rating was before you played it), and the other rating is from after you played the puzzle (2413).

Probably just a difference in the way the site displays ratings (showing the old one first) vs how it displays times played (no need to show the old number, just show the updated one).
It's no discrepancy, it's just a normal rating change. The puzzle "won" against you and thus gained rating.
@Deadban said in #3:
> It's no discrepancy, it's just a normal rating change. The puzzle "won" against you and thus gained rating.
The number of how often the puzzle has been played should be increased then, too.
@sheckley666 said in #4:
> The number of how often the puzzle has been played should be increased then, too.

It says it's been played 1243 times now so I guess there's a delay on that statistics but it makes sense that the rating is updated instantly.

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