
Why are there so many insulting offensive players on Lichess?

What's going on with this community? I play a lot of games where after the game, whether I win or lose I get insults. In some games if I'm playing slow I get insulted for playing slow.

This is not a nice atmosphere in which to play/learn chess - what does the community and the people behind lichess do about this?


They do this on purpose because some players want to distract you. Don't read it. Ban people who are rude to you and report them.
To be honest, I have played over 3,000 games on this site and this has only happened to me once or twice.
I think the community is actually pretty friendly as a whole.
In real life I have an easy way to deal with such people. I just kick them in the face until they are unconscious. Sadly I can not do it through the Internet.
Lmao, the dude above me insulted me in a message and blocked me before I could say anything. It's more sad than anything really.
Just switch off the chat: no insults possible.

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