
Lichess API to match up two spesific players


By using the open ended challenge Post a URL is created that can be used b y any two players to play. However if one wants to pair up two specific players only this is not useful.

The Lichess API reference indicate that this is possible but refers to using the create a challenge Post. This post method uses only one players token so how do you specify the second player

Or is there another method that can achieve the pairing

Thanks for your help
I am not sure If I understood what is your problem, but you can go to their profile and challenge them with the "swords" icon.

You can use this endpoint:

as stated in the doc: "If you also have an OAuth token with `challenge:write` scope for the receiving user, you can make them accept the challenge immediately by setting the `acceptByToken` field."
When I create a challenge with this endpoint, the game is created, but the game doesn't open. The players don't get an information that the game starts. Is there a way that players are notified or see the game?

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