
Creating studies: How to let the opponents move play instantly

Hey lichess forum!

Im creating a study (interactive exercise for white) with a few correct moves to play for the participant. When I tested it, I noticed, that everytime the correct move is found and played, you have to press space for black to response. Is there a way, that black responses instantly without the need of pressing space every time?

Thank you very much! :)
you need an interactive study, then set the game up with the solution and the opponent counter.
You can also fill in the boxes with stuff like why other moves are wrong and variations too
I am not explaining well so here is a step by step:

1. create a study and go under analysis mode in set-up. Hit interactive lesson, choose the starting position, and the color of whoever moves first. This is important since as far as I know this can't be changed afterwards except for removing the chapter and making a new one

2. I would click on the red text box "help the player find the initial move with a comment" and explain, what is going on and the first move to be taken, or that this is a puzzle. From there drag a piece and make a move. This will be marked as the correct move and you can add why it was right, why others are wrong if they didn't play it, ect.

3. Play the counter move and then create an explanation much like for the initial move

4. repeat until the chapter is done
Hey Trey_Love,

Sure, Ive already tried that, but that changes nothing in terms of black to respond instantly. Everytime I make the right move with white, I have to press space for black to respond, but I want black to respont instantly without pressing space.
oh, one sec I'm pretty sure that is possible but let me make sure
yeah so to do that you need to not have the automated response. just leave the move reflection blank
the reason for this is because the automated response waits for user input to go away to give them time to read. If you want the move to play instantly after leave it blank and when correct you will get a good move green box and move on
Ah, now I think Ive solved the problem: My mistake was, that I commented every correct move with "Well done!", thats the mistake! If I dont make any comment on the correct move, then black responds instantly.

Thank you Trey_Love, you gave me an important hint! ;)
no problem, glad I can help. Make sure to show me the study when you finish, sure it will turn out great

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