

that´s why there should be a system that would automatically do that.. of course it could take months to build such.. however it´s more fair than current one.
How is the current system unfair? It's random whether a player wins or loses due to game interruption. You can't get any more fair than random... and the effect only lasts for a few games.
Random unfairness isn't fair. That's just undermining the problem like most of the people do here.
Well if anything else will not be done, atleast consider so that there isn´t a chance to "claim victory due to opponent is out of the game" when lichess ping is exceeding some limit (in today 3-check arena lichess timed out and lichess ping was over 5000, I lost because opponent claimed victory given that timeout makes it sometimes impossible to return to game before it´s too late - even though there would still be way more than enough time to play, unless if in bullet.)

This I don´t think would be too much of a burdain to implement and code.
#15 Now we're talking! I think that other servers abort live (non-correspondence) games on server shutdown (or startup).
If you play a lot then the points you lose / win because of servers issues will be very close to zero, and I am pretty sure you have not filed a compensation request against games you actually won points for.

I dont think the PING can be a decision making factor here as one can very easily increases his PING in a losing situation.

I said server ping, not personal ping. Can you also increase the server ping?

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