
Feature request: showing "!" and "!!" for good and brilliant moves at the corner of the pieces.

Showing "!" and "!!" for good and brilliant moves at the corner of the pieces like it shows in blunders, dubious moves and mistakes.
It's probably very hard to impossible to auto-detect good moves. Thogh direction, how to do this, is clear (amount of lines analysis, spot hardness, shaprness of each line), I don't think it was ever implemented properly.

And big problem occurs when 100th youtuber who have no idea how to play nor chess passion is using this feauture to create chess videos without almost any effort. For now, you at aleast can detect them when they fail to put accent on actually good moves.

P.S. No one will believe, but I wrote this comment without looking @Shrutartha profile. That was not attempt to be rude.
If it helps, there was previously suggested in another forum thread (, where the overall primary concern was that every good/brilliant move must be immediately preceded by a mistake/blunder, since the opponent by definition made a mistake in not preventing the other player from making such a good move. As such, since mistakes and blunders are already marked, such a feature would be of questionable use. (I still like my personal idea of inserting exclamation marks at points that would make for good puzzles--where the opponent has blundered, and the player to move has only one series of moves that keeps their advantage--but that might need some refinement to prevent, say, returning an exchange from being marked as a good puzzle.)
How is a computer program supposed to know whether you, and every other chess player, would consider a move good, brilliant or good for a puzzle?

Good moves are only good, if you understand why they're good.

Specifically why should I get a !! for the first move in a mate in six, if I didn't see the mate, and lose the chess game?
@Nel_S >every good/brilliant move must be immediately preceded by a mistake/blunder
That's actually definition of NOT good move, in fact, bad move, because most of players arrogantly write opponents blunders on their own strong play account.

You can write technical definitions, or for example, intuitive (a move usually in sharp position which shows position understanding far more than average level of players), but they will be mostly incomplete/inaccurate/ useless for auto analysis.

It's probably easy to detect some typical good moves; probably neural network can be trained to do this very well, like 90%, but chess is rich enough to leave place for 10% of something new, which only human can recognise as special.

And again, this may trigger more spam content.
Seems now already about half of spam chess overviews (Kasparov moves B2, Karpov moves B3, Kasparov moves E6 with surprise intonation because of lichess analysis shows blunder, and here (!) ... Kasparov moves A7) hide another half of professional content, which requred more hard work and was made with human perspective and which was not "professionally" promoted with fake views and fake comments.
I mean in studies you can give exclams and question marks on a move, but only "?!" "?" and "??" are shown on the board when the move is played like this

I am asking if it's possible to add other ones like interesting move "!?" good move "!" and "!!" on the board?
So this is not about auto analysis at all, but about manually placed? First message quite a bit mileading (like it shows blunders).
Then this suggestion is ok (or even good), just must be a reason why they show now icons only for blunders.

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