
Any Harry Potter Fans?

Voldemort rules! Plus, Voldemort is great a Rickrolling people! Just look!

You mean giant-sized turbo-jet fans that could blow Hairy Pothead (and all of his cohorts) back into Hobbitland?
clousems' thoughts on Harry Potter:
As I have seen a good deal of Harry Potter related content of late, I feel it prudent to articulate my feelings on all things Harry Potter. Disclaimer: I read about 10 pages of one of the books and I saw 3 of the movies.
1. Hogwarts is a really stupid name for a magnet school. I wonder if their arch-rival is Cowbunions.
1a. Is Hogwarts the castle on a cloud of which Cosette spoke?
2. Gary Oldman needs a better agent. Seriously. He is one of the greatest actors alive today, and they had him playing a creepy guy who hangs around his old high school for no reason, even though he's like 40. Think about that. Pretty sure his character was a wizard drug dealer.
3. Daniel Radcliffe blinks weird.
4. Is Hogwarts recognized as an official school by the British government? What are their standardized test scores like?
5. Where do the wizards go after they graduate Hogwarts? It seems like they all just chill in the vicinity of Hogwarts and either become teachers or work in associated businesses. Wizards never seem to work for corporations.
6. Why did nobody think of just calling the cops on Ralph Fiennes?
7. How many times was Hogwarts sued for quidditch injuries? What stupid insurance company sold them a policy?
8. What was the point of the talking hat? Wouldn't a random number generator work just as well?
9. My gosh, the premise of Harry Potter is flimsy and derivative. "Good wizard goes to school for vague reasons, and battles an evil wizard for convuluted reasons. F ̶r̶ ̶o̶ ̶d̶ ̶o̶ Harry can't kill evil wizard because S ̶a̶ ̶u̶ ̶r̶ ̶o̶ ̶n̶ Voldemort has his soul neatly tucked away in a magical object and invoked 'No Killsies', even though one would think that levitating an evil wizard into a woodchipper would do the trick, regardless of magical bullshit get out of death free cards." It's like something out of a Lucio Fulci fantasy movie, for Mace's* sake.
10. I want to punt Dobby like a football.

*Sorry, that's an obscure reference, even by my standards. Mace was one of the characters in the Lucio Fulci movie "Conquest". He had a fancy bow that shot rainbows, which he used to murder the hot evil naked witch lady with the C-3PO mask. It's a weird movie.

Seeing as how we've reached the point where I can do automated replies to forum threads, methinks we need to broaden our horizons.
The funny thing with that list is that one of Tolkien’s own books is In that list. So yeah, case closed
Clousems, I appreciate the lengths you go to when you post your thoughts that you often explicate in such detail.

However, I find the number of Harry Potter posts to be distasteful at best, and a bit maddening at worst. What is this obsession with this series? Is this mere trolling, or is this enthusiasm genuine? I do not know. Nor do I care to investigate the matter such to determine the veracity of this inclination towards mediocre work(s).
My postings are an effort to remind people that the books and films aren't that great, and hopefully to encourage the investigation of other books and/or films to broaden horizons. When I made a post about alternatives to the franchise, it was quickly forgotten in favor of various Harry Potter trivia threads.

One of these days, I hope that we will be able to have a forum thread in which I can brag about my recent procurement of 20 gialli DVDs, for example. Unfortunately, that'd be met with respones of "uh...ok" (does not contribute to conversation) or "what's a gialli?" (do I really want to be the one to explain to young teens what a giallo film is?), after which it would merely sink to the bottom of the Harry Potter flood.

In the meanwhile, I am reduced to sniping at the plotline in various threads for my own amusement (ironically, this has led to me torturing myself by rewatching the films in order to better make fun of them. It did give me a good way to fend off archival of a certain thread in the Team clousems forum, though).
№ 37,

clousems didn’t create this thread, nor any of the other recent HP-related threads (save the one about alternatives thereto). And out of all the comments (t)herein, he has contributed but a few. Clearly then, this isn’t 𝘩𝘪𝘴 obsession. . . .

Just thought I’d point that out.

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