
Racing Kings Championship

So who won so far in the candidates round? I know ChessApple beat ilaares but who else?
@Grainiac read the messages in the previous pages, we are talking about leopingvin and we are accusing him of cheating and he didn't admit , what do you think?
Looking at his games, probably he didnt cheat, but i will challenge him.

If you think there’s anything suspicious about him, report about it, but don’t just say “he cheats”, but provide evidence for certain games.
@Grainiac I am afraid that he will not cheat against you , so you will not suspect him , any way chessapple78 is a very strong player and know a lot of openings and theory and still can't defeat leopingvin
see this , also there are other games , chessapple78 show your games here that you suspect
I think he is not using the best engine like stockfish 8 , may be stockfish 7 or 6
Look at move 11 and 12 for black ,that knight moves , only engines play like that , if a human he will find a way to block and move his king forward , not three sequence knight moves!!!!!! I think this is clear proof of cheating

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