
100 Chess Quotes by Chess players!

1. "Chess is fun!" [Rock_Ritvik]
2. "Play fair and know that it's alright to lose games." [kaissa44]

Say your own comments (I'll make another post later having all the replies)
@Rock_Ritvik said in #1:
> 1. "Chess is fun!" [Rock_Ritvik]
> Say your own comments (I'll make another post later having all the replies)

play fair and know that it's alright to lose games
"There are always some red lights when playing chess, but sometimes you have to keep trying." – Me

(This means that there are always things that might stop you in chess from playing, but sometimes you have to keep trying)
The most fun part about chess is capturing the Rival's Queen ;-)
> "Chess is a wild game. By sacrificing other members of the team, we can achieve victory in the most beautiful fashion."
-Wassim Berbar-
@Rock_Ritvik said in #1:
> 1. "Chess is fun!" [Rock_Ritvik]
> 2. "Play fair and know that it's alright to lose games." [kaissa44]
> Say your own comments (I'll make another post later having all the replies)
"If chess players could fly there would be no need for airports"

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