
Old forum posters vs new ones?

Old = 1
Two = 2
New = 2
aaaand one = 1

Past posters = Ghosters
Extended term posters = social maladaptiveness
New posters = generally confused all things considered...

(divide that by...)

but so that's not fair
so Old =2
and new also = 1
carry the why....

It's a wrong mumber. You people are careless.

Edit: wrong *mumbler. juss'say you're wrong, mumbles...
<Comment deleted by user>
@twighead said in #19:
> Been reppin' since 2015

Errrrm, we're talking about forumers, and I don't exactly remember you from the time I was posting.
@EnBeeTea said in #28:
> Errrrm, we're talking about forumers, and I don't exactly remember you from the time I was posting.
Not my fault your memory is faulty!

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