
Unwanted pairings in tournaments

Lichess is a free Web site maintained by people volunteering their time, and those people can't be responsible for every little idiosyncratic thing that every individual user performs. Why is it more reasonable to expect Lichess developers to volunteer their time to solve this problem for you than it is to expect you to either not use multiple tabs or deal with the consequences if you do?

Maybe the answer is incredibly simple and somebody will feel like doing it and you will get your wish. I have no idea. But I wouldn't be surprised if - indeed I would expect - this is not something high up the priority list.

I personally can't see any reason to have multiple tabs of the tournament open if you don't want to be paired with someone anyway, so there might be a Lichess developer or two who are also unimpressed by your complaints.

"If the developers wanted people to be automatically paired up, they wouldnt offer us the opportunity to "pause" or "return to tournament"."

This is such a nonsense argument. It is your own actions that are causing you to be automatically paired up.

Dude had a valid question; there really isnt any reason to give him the 3rd degree.

Check it. Multiple tabs can behave in a odd way.
Try opening 3 tabs on the same tournament.

Use one of the tabs and play a game.
You will get notifications (if you have it on) of a players move in one of the other open tabs (if the one you are on isnt the 'main')

This will continue until you switch to that tab that is notifying.

This tab that is notifying you is your 'main tab'
Any actions performed on this tab will always be replicated on any other open tabs. BUT if you try to pause on one of the others and not that one (despie all being open in the same tourny) it MAY not actually pause the other open tabs.

This is strange; and I dont have a answer for it. But figured Id explain my findings.

Long story short; quit looking at pr0n @adondevamos then you wont need so many open tabs. :P
Honestly, my first inclination was to call the multi-tab auto-pairing issue a bug, I just didn't understand how.

(My earlier comment was more about "return to tournament needs to wait for the tournament lobby page to load" but I hadn't realized it's possible to get pairings prior to clicking "return to tournament" and prior to the foreground tab being the tournament lobby.)
A background tab doesn't mean an inactive tab. Thanks to this you can listen to music on youtube while playing for example.

I figured out what was causing these unwanted pairings, so it won't be a problem for me anymore, but i am sure there are many who havent figured it out.

It took me over a year to notice it and i am very smart! Most people aren't.

Please someone who actually works on lichess respond.
@Vempele #7 +1

@breakreign #12 +1

> "Long story short; quit looking at pr0n @adondevamos then you wont need so many open tabs. :P"

@adondevamos #15 --

And the solution to your problem was? What? Are you going to share? Or be a punk? How about you explain it. Take the time you're demanding of others to respond to you, and who volunteer their time? (Because, if it were me voluntering my development time, which I don't, I'd very happily say: "Non-issue," and provide the feedback I already have.)

For that matter, I just caught a bug, researched the code, and filed an issue on GitHub. It's that simple. Go dig-up the specific or particular issue (do the research, do some tests, document things explicitly, as in a detailed report, and file an issue / report.) -- The code is open-source, such that you can go review it for yourself and even if you don't know code, you can make suggestions.

Otherwise, don't complain.

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