
The "takeback request" option should be done away with.

I get that it's for people making mouse slips, but 19 times of 20 when someone asks me for a takeback it's not because they made a mouse slip. I play longer games and it's a bit annoying when someone takes 5 minutes, makes a move, and then asks for a takeback. It's distracting and annoying, and it's the same kids who ask for these takebacks constantly who also offer draws when they're in a clearly losing position.
Just write it off to experience and block them.
The option to offer a draw should only be available if it's a relatively equal position. If it's, say +5 points to the other side they should not have the option to offer a draw.
Why? It's not like the feature really bothers anyone. Someone sends a request, you can just ignore it altogether. Now, the draw by mutual agreement is present even in regular chess, and taking that option away would make no sense at all.
What just happened to me explains why tlm2501. I just played two games with a new user named "yakuza". In both games he asked for takebacks when he got in a bad position. In the second game when I declined his takeback he called me an asshole and said "be a gentleman, accept the takeback". In private message to him I explained I only give takebacks to kids or mouse slips, he then insisted that he had made mouse slips in both the back to back games. I remarked on the extreme unlucky coincidence of this, he then called me a "cunt" and told me to "go fuck myself". The problem is when you decline the takebacks for many of these people they get whiney and abusive.
Lol. Yes, the Japanese Mafia. I've read a book on them. Obviously though, this is just some young boy who is at the stage where he thinks things like that are cool.

Speaking of the draw offers, I just played a game against someone and had them at an advantage in the endgame (computer later showed it was a 2.6 advantage) where it was rook against bishop and they offered a draw. I ignored the draw and then ended up making a mistake, got caught in zugzwang and lost.

I think anyway you look at a draw offer made to someone with an advantage it's bad.

1. It's insulting to the other player and they're basically saying they think they're so much better than you that they can negate your advantage, OR that you're so stupid you won't realize it's not a draw and resign.

2. Even if they ARE a better player than you and can negate your advantage into a draw or make you lose, why would they even propose the draw, why don't they just do it?

In the case that they make the draw offer and do end up winning they can then act all condescending like "You should have taken the draw, hurr hurr!"

I have never made a draw offer on this site unless it really was a drawn, completely equal position with no way for either side to make progress. It doesn't matter if I'm playing someone ranked 400 points lower than me and I'm not going to offer a draw while they have an advantage because I have more respect for people and for the game of chess than to do that.

It's up to the "take back" acceptor or rejector but I generally won't allow take backs. It's their own fault for making a dumb move. I would like to hear some insight from people who do request take backs into why someone like me should give you a take back when you make a bad move?

For me, if I make a bad move, I just accept the lost piece or position.

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