
Puzzle where a move giving #1 is “wrong” and immediate checkmate is “right”

I played

1. Kg1 b3
2. Bxf8+

And was told “that’s not the move,” because it results in a position which is #1 instead of the immediate mate which is possible.

Is this intentional? I thought any forced mate would be a solution to the puzzle, so once I saw one I didn’t stop to consider other moves.
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Puzzles are to be finding the best solution within the shortest amount of moves, so if there is a 15-move line that has the same result of a 5-move line then the 5-move line would be correct as you are finding the techniques and right sequence of moves in a faster time with a faster result in a faster method, even if the 5-move line is harder to find.
Why do you even want to do the hard line? Bf6# is best.
Yes. It obviously wants you to find the immediate checkmate. In puzzles, you always need to find the single best move (with the only exception being alternative immediate checkmates).

The point of puzzles is to recognize and learn the right patterns after all and not to continue playing some game.
@phobbs5 This puzzle seems particularly bad because there isn't a unique solution. As a matter of fact, I see 7.
I see.

I think you are right. Maybe they should classify solutions into 2 tiers. Into 'excellent' and 'good' solutions. When you find the good solution, you are rewarded less rating than the excellent moves.
Now we are getting punished for the more 'natural' lines.

First I have to solve the puzzle and find the solution that is good and more 'natural' and then I have to look and find the more onorthodox computer line. Which is quite hard to do, since I'm not a computer. I've seen puzzles on harder difficulty that are almost impossible to spot the 'correct' solution and it is a bit frustrating to get punished for finding winning lines.

Problem here is, they have to implement so many more solutions to each puzzle. And the 'natural' solutions is kinda debatable.
Of course finding the quickest mate is an aspect of "combinatorial" skill. That's self-explanatory in fact.
I wonder how these guys manage to actually post anything in the forum?!
But maybe they go through *a lot* of Captchas before they are able to post? :)

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