
Thank you, Englsh.

@Noflaps said in #39:
> @ALucasM , I suggest you read (for the first time?) the very last line of my initial post. Then you will realize that I did, indeed, see "englsh" in my title.
> As for Donald Trump being a "moron," @ThunderClap, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, and I'll be surprised if anybody you know argues with it. But when reflecting upon it, should you ever happen to do that, ask yourself: have things improved over the last three years? Surely, taking over from a "moron" would ordinarily result in improvement. no? Do you sense a lot of improvement?
> I'd be curious to know what improvements you sense. Fewer mean tweets? Or whatever we call """tweets" nowadays?
> "Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this ton of pork..... " ... my tribute to the vast improvement in American politics over the last few years, with a nod to an Englishman of real repute.

I would say that the current of events that effect the quality of our lives are well beyond the scope of who is the president of the US - sure they can influence a bit of this or that in the long term - but mostly the position is
A) reacting to the effects of events put into motion long before they took office
B) reacting to current events completely out of the control of the person in office - of which the effects of the actions taken mostly wont take effect until they're out of office
C) coping with the extreme level of partisan inhibition of actually being able to do anything as president
D) restructuring different elements of the government - mostly the effect of which isn't seen until many years later either (i.e. the post office, epa or park service attempts to being totally gutted by the previous admin)

So other than some foreign policy posturing - emergency measures related to covid, financial measures taken to cope with emergency measures related to covid, a whole lot of nothing has happened over the last 8 years due to each parties staunchness in inhibiting even the most simple bill from passing congress.

The main change has been in the atmosphere of politics, and the increased acceptance of the threat of extra-legal measures, abuse of power of office, and nature of democracy in the country as a whole.

(and this isn't condoning one party or the other - more acknowledging the broken nature of the entire system as a whole regardless of who controls it - and our inability to accurately assess the actual effects of what the president does - more what we see is the reaction of people to those actions in the short term, not the actual effect which comes much later)
@ThunderClap Remind us all who mixed up the leaders of Egypt and Mexico so we can be clear about it.

I have a memory issue too. I can’t remember whether it was Trump or Biden who did a great impression of Thomas the Tank Engine as he left the stage.

The only reason everyone is taking the piss out of Biden and his dementia / mental impairment issues is because what’s plain and obvious is being denied and then Trump is attacked to deflect from that. That’s as bad as taking the piss out of him yourself.

If you think you’ve got it bad, two opposition party leaders here can’t define what a woman is and one of them will get elected soon. It’s utterly depressing to think people are stupid enough to vote for that. It’s even more depressing that things are that bad that people think they’ve no choice but to vote for that. If you want to define ‘Moron’ then a leader or potential leader who can’t define a woman is, is surely a moron. Trump at least knows what a woman is.
@ThunderClap , do you think Covid might have had anything to do with the higher unemployment during a small PART of Trump's term?

Should we blame FDR for the Great Depression, too?

Incidentally, national unemployment in America did NOT hit anywhere close to 30 percent in 2020. It climbed to 13 percent in the second quarter (as Covid took over), then dropped back down to under 7 percent. So saying that Trump was responsible for 30 percent unemployment is wrong in more than one way.

Don't believe me. Ask the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Before deciding to hate a politician, always make sure that one's peer group is not passing along mistaken beliefs that "everybody knows are, like, true."

Oddly enough, in the last quarter of Trump's term, unemployment had already fallen back down to about HALF of what it reached (for a few months) in mid-2020. And it didn't EVER get close to 30 percent, so far as I can tell. Again: don't rely on me -- check with the Bureau of Labor Statistics and attempt to determine this stuff for yourself.

No politician has the last word on employment, of course. Most employment is created by private employers. Although some folks seem determined to make government the largest source of employment. How did that work for the Soviets?
@SimonBirch and @PrashantSrikanth, I must say that "neighbour" (the quaint British spelling of the word) is hardly an improvement upon the much more sleek and rational "neighbor."

And by "much more" I mean "making the best of a bad start."

Be proud of your grammar, Brits. But don't ever crow over your spelling.

If you want to see lovely spelling, learn Spanish. It's better for wooing women, too.

Yes, I played the woo card.
I came to see posts about English and instead got something about muppets and Trump.

All I can say is, this thread was one hell of a rollercoaster

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