
Opponents timing out in Lichess Swiss

Hi guys.

I don't know if anyone has encountered this problem, but most days I like playing the lichess classical swiss tournaments so I can prepare for the weekly arena on friday.

However, I find that in almost every tournament, I get paired with someone who abandons the game and let's the clock run for 30 minutes. If it was an arena, that person would time out within a couple of minutes, but in swiss they just lose on time at the very end.

Is there anything that can be done about this? I feel like this issue makes the classical swiss tournaments nearly unplayable.
@ChessladderJP said in #2:
> No nothing can be done about this. Play lobby games, instead.

I disagree I think something can be done. Someone in the chat the other day, suggested a confirmation button before you get paired at the start of each round.

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