
App keeps giving the same puzzles Inot synching)

The app on both phone (android) and iPad (iOS) stopped synching up yesterday night for me.

They both keep “looping back” to the exact same sequence of puzzles that I likely solved before (they don’t affect my puzzle rating). What’s also notable is that all of the puzzles that are in the sequence are extremely highly voted and have been played a significant number of times.

In short it looks like I’m getting served the generic “greatest hits” instead of a selection based on my history and current puzzle rating.

On the web-site there is no such issue. The app DOES reflect any rating chance incurred by solving puzzles on the website (after synching, obviously).

This might be a bug for the general public, or specific to my account (perhaps I triggered some threshold (I’;m a heavy puzzle user, 18671 puzzles played) or a specific rating singularity which breaks the random puzzle selection algorithm for me?
These are the ids of puzzles that I keep getting in the app after any synch/removing the cache/reinstalling: puzzle #61054, #61056, #61057, #61058, #61060, #61061...

They have been played 883k, 856k, 877k, 649k, 418k, 364k, etc times. Clearly not a random selection of any sort.
Same problem. I lose 500 rating because I become 1-5 points per puzzle, and, when I make mistake, lose 20-30 points. I have tried on web, and I become also same puzzles, but there I can lose/win points (also not good valued)

I am frustrated about this. Progress that I make in 7,8 puzzles, I lose in just one. How i can contact lichess directly?!
@Giualiano Can you give the puzzle IDs that you keep getting? Also, if this happens to you on the website, can you describe when it goes back to the same puzzle again?

(The rating behavior you describe
is by design - if you fall a hard puzzle then you lose much less points - and since you say you're losing rating points playing puzzles on the site I would guess that you're not actually getting "the same puzzles" over and over - because they would not affect your rating at all)
i can't, because i reinstalled app and now i dont become same puzzles, but they are badly valued. (I know how rating working, but never was so bad, that i lose so much when i am on so small rating, and that i become so little when i win)

before i reinstaled, i become on web same puzzles like in app, and they valued that puzzles on web. On app not.
It’s a known bug that’s been around for a while now. Developers are trying to fix it but it seems to be tricky. It happens when they app and the website aren’t synchronized.
@sehe I was talking about your issue.

Giuiliani doesn’t seem to face any issue. At his rating, it’s normal to loose much more points than you gain.
@sola321 Hmm. I've seen many issues with sync-ing puzzle state reported over the years. Usually they'd be solved (on Android) by deleting app data.

Since a while, the iOS app and Android apps got the "Sync" button (refresh icon) when there is an online connection, and it never failed to work since.

Also, with all the symptoms, the problem would NOT manifest in this way. Note the _specific set_ of problems being presented (linearly increasing integer ids, very high-voted and oft-played). This is a different issue.

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