
How to survive a period of time when everything is against you?

@ATOZ47 said in #1:
> For the past one week, there has been so much going on with my life. I do not know what to do. I'm always the centre of problems, i always has been. Nothing i plan to do goes accordingly. I wish I could disclose the issue in facing but it's best if I don't. It's not related to lichess or someone on lichess but rather with my life. The past one week has been more than hell to me and i do not know how to fight it out further. What do/did you do/did to go through some of the worst phases of your life? How did you survive it? Hope is the very last thing i have with me.

Take a moment, find a quiet spot, and let your mind free. Give your brain time to think all these thoughts that have been pushing it. But don't let it wander forever. Clarify in your head the current situation, your problem(s), what you have in advantage and what you don't, and figure out the next. right. thing. Which doesn't have to be big, it might be to just take a shower and go to bed. You can also journal if you feel like it.

I can't tell you my past experiences in detail. But last June I experienced a lot of pressure over getting done a fair amount of work and at the same time there were quite some stuff going on in my head, which I tried to suppress. I realized that I just need a quiet time to let my thoughts go through and I haven't been doing that due to all the work I had. One NEEDS to think things through.

That's the best I have for what seems to be your situation.

Do the next right thing. And keep doing it until you make it, eventually.

That's not a whole ton helpful, is it

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