
Temporary Ban for Time Wasting

The warning messages have really affected my mentality. Often it is the connection that goes wrong. I guess that can be programmed to take into account whether the player had connection problems all of a sudden if they took too long to move. And then here is another case in point. I resigned in this position after thinking for a while because if I thought for much longer maybe I would get a warning. However, there is a good move that I saw as soon as I confirmed my resignation.
At first, I wrote a long response articulating my personal experience, and why you shouldn't complain.

Then, before posting my response, I looked at the game ...

You were in a forced mate position and sat there. What do you want or expect?

This is the reason for time controls. If you don't like the time control, then don't play that time control.

This game has absolutely nothing to do with your connection. (Okay, well, maybe your connection decided to randomly start sucking in the middle of the game, so why not just simply resign and sign-off if your connection sucks. That's what I do when I have problems with intermittent connections.)

Oh, that's right, your next game, played almost immediately (short of this forum post) at almost the same speed as your previous game ...

Don't complain about things you have control over.

We need to add a BAN condition for those who whine and complain about things like crying babies despite having all-too-obvious investigative tools at our disposal.
It reminds me of this game I have recently played.
@MrCharles Is a very good player who never makes any mistakes while not playing. He is doing an excellent job posting long and boring comments. I spent too much time reading this comment and too much RAM by opening this thread and allowing useless gifs to run. I hope lichess implements a feature of disabling gifs. They annoy people and waste RAM. I hate these gifs. UGH!
@hangrad -- I hate people who whine and complain about problems and issues they have control over.

Enjoy your gifs. They're a present. The fewer people we have whining and complaining about things they have control over, the fewer gifs you see.

I reported you now for your behaviour. posting three offensive images for no reason. Stop being so fucking mean.

I think i can talk for everybody here at lichess if i say

@hangrad -- I see @finlip is still online, playing at a regular speed and pace. What do you have to say to that? (Per the whining, crying baby complaint that @finlip decided to file in the refuse bin of Teh Interweebs.)

Oh, and, BTW, you don't have to browse the forums if your computer, browser or Internet connection can't handle the load. Do you need a gif?
Thank you @MrCharles for a short and concise comment. It was my pleasure to read it. I also appreciate that you did not add a gif. Thanks a lot! Keep up good work!
@nh78 -- That's fair. I probably deserve a temporary mute for calling out people whining and complaining about things people have control over.

It won't change the fact of people like @finlip first having a bad game, then coming to the forums to post about it seeking sympathy -- @finlip playing the next game at the speed of the previous game despite complaining about sitting and waiting and being concerned about being warned about this behavior. The developers didn't implement these features for no good reason at all. But, the developers can certainly mute me for calling-out my abuse of the forums in calling out users' attempted circumvention of implemented features to get them rolled-back.

Enjoy your improved gaming experience!
I was not in a forced mate position. I have Nxe6-+
I did not say that the connection affected this game in any way. I just said that I was afraid to think and find Nxe6 because I would have to spend a lot of time on that move and then as a result get a warning if I spend a lot of time on the second last move of the game and I forfeit on time. I am not complaining about anything. I am just talking about the automatic warning players have been getting intended for players running down the time on their clock which has also been issued to those losing their connection.

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