
12 Feature Requests

1. Customizable last move and pre-move colors
2. Voice countdown
3. Partial position search
4. Change winning streak points from 2,2,4,4,4... to 2,2,3,3,3...
5. When a game is over, make it possible to stand up from the table and become a spectator so somebody else can sit. This would enable 'loser stands' tournaments.
6. Add a 'Go' or 'OK' button to the 'Create a game' window instead of using the piece color icons for dual purpose.
7. Remove simultaneous exhibitions
8. Voting for feature requests
9. 'Tools > Analysis board' and 'Tools > Opening explorer' look the same. If they are the same, the label could be changed to 'Analysis board and opening explorer' or this could be added as the title to both pages to prevent confusion.
10. The tournament clock is on the left while you are playing a game but moves to the top-middle once you return to the tournament room. Might be better to leave it on the left.
11. There is a loud sound when a tournament ends even if you have paused the tournament and you are viewing something else in a different browser window.
12. Info icon next to 'Zen Mode' on the Preferences page
Good testing, Mattteo.

What do you mean by #4?

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