
Time Handicaps ?

A lot of UK clubs ( and others I suspect ) have run Time Handicap Tournaments . I have looked to see if its possible on Lichess to recreate this - But so far cannot see how to do it

How does a Time Handicap work ?

Example :

A player with a Grade of say 1500 plays another player of 1700

The Handicap would work by the stronger player having less time , for example it could be 100 points = 15 minutes . In a 1 hour game the weaker player would have 1 hour and stronger player would have 30 minutes as 2 x 15 = 30

It looks like a feature that could be built into the Play a Friend feature?

Any thoughts
It is an option in a tournament. For example you have 10 minutes your opponent can press berserk button and he will have 5mins.
#1 Automated handicaps sound like a fun feature, although I'm not the person coding it!
You can easily give time to your opponent or let your own clock run down before.maming your second move
Thanks annoygenius , I can see the Chess clock has this function , but am guessing it only works in Real Time when you set the game up , I will give it a go gp58
Thanks annoygenius , I can see the Chess clock has this function , but am guessing it only works in Real Time when you set the game up , I will give it a go gp58

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