
screen problem

@milan-homayoun said in #12:
> doesn't has 2 options only.2d and 3d
> please tell me you are an adminstrator or not because It's neccesary to report this problem to them

I'm not an admin, but I'm part of the Lichess team. You have to be on a site with a board, so go to i.e. and try the steps that schlawg describes again, maybe that helps.
@loepare said in #13:
> I'm not an admin, but I'm part of the Lichess team. You have to be on a site with a board, so go to i.e. and try the steps that schlawg describes again, maybe that helps.
Thanks a lot the problem fixed
zoom numbers are available only in that page you sent
@kh_aleksey said in #14:
> unfortunately, it didn't help, the problem is most likely software on the server due to recent changes, I also think that you need to inform the administrators.

Sorry, I had confused your problem with the other one, (by the way, this is why it makes sense to open new threads for new problems, and not post in another thread, so that such misunderstandings do not arise). Let's wait if a dev sees this topic and can help you, otherwise I can ask.
I have got the same problem. the board is not displayed
@loepare said in #16:
> Sorry, I had confused your problem with the other one, (by the way, this is why it makes sense to open new threads for new problems, and not post in another thread, so that such misunderstandings do not arise). Let's wait if a dev sees this topic and can help you, otherwise I can ask.

I thought that the problem is related, judging by the time of the created topic, but apparently the solutions are different, apparently depends on the users' software.. thank you for your help, I am sure that this problem is not only mine, if you have the opportunity, let someone who can consider it
Very similar to my problem under " formatting change" topic
@shirof said in #17:
> I have got the same problem. the board is not displayed
I studied our common problem a little..... depends on the browser, you can try using the keyboard shortcut during the game CTRL + to zoom in, but this is not a solution to the common problem of the site developers

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