
Features that would make lichess perfect and complete

I think that the more choices we have, the better it is for everyone. We don't have to put a profile picture on if we don't like, but it would be nice to be able to. Etc.
@schlemazel said in #41:
> I think that the more choices we have, the better it is for everyone. We don't have to put a profile picture on if we don't like, but it would be nice to be able to. Etc.
100% i think that just the country flag should be obligatory.
I disagree with @VanCoco that anything should be obligatory. If the flag should be, so too should people using their real identities... and we know that isn't going to happen!
@schlemazel said in #43:
> I disagree with @VanCoco that anything should be obligatory. If the flag should be, so too should people using their real identities... and we know that isn't going to happen!
? i didnt say that anything should be obligatory. U dont need to use your real identity, i dont think that u are the only person who lives in ur country... and if the person really doesnt wants to show their flag so they don't "unmask your identity lol" he can uses the Pirate/Lichess/World flag that exists.
@VanCoco: "? i didnt say that anything should be obligatory."
You're right, my mistake. You said that the flag should be obligatory.

@VanCoco: "U don't need to use your real identity"
We already know this.

@VanCoco: "I don't think that u are the only person who lives in your country..."
Correct, 68,310,967 other people live in my country.

@VanCoco: "...and if the person really doesnt wants to show their flag so they don't "unmask your identity lol" he can uses the Pirate/Lichess/World flag that exists."
So what's the point in the flag being obligatory?!

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